Oct 24, 2009


   Oddly, I woke up this morning with no symptoms at all. I thought that was strange. I thought to myself, perhaps it was a stomach bug after all. Then at one-o-clock today while I was walking around Walmart with my husband, it all hit me full throttle! If I thought I was experiencing nausea and back pain before, I CERTAINLY am now. Stephen must have noticed that I was turning pale (otherwise known as "green around the gills") because he asked me if I was okay. I told him then, that I have been experiencing what I think could be symptoms of pregnancy this past week. For the rest of this evening he has been a little excited, I knew he would be. I just hope we don't get our hopes up too high again. He has been smiling and hugging me sine we got home. Boy, I sure love that man.

   So, symptoms today were pretty much the same as the past few days, only more severe. I have not actually thrown up yet, I have I pretty high gag tolerance, but I have felt stuff climbing up the inside of my neck a few times. One more thing I would like to add: I experienced my first food aversions today. I tried to eat a mini Cliff bar this morning for breakfast. I love them and eat them all the time. This morning, the things tasted like crap! And my darling husband made some homemade baked potato soup for us this evening. Oh it smelled so good, but it tasted so gross! I felt so bad, but I could not stomach it.

   As of right now, I am still in the running for a kid and symptoms get worse every day. I test in less than 4 days now. If it is positive, you are reading this right now.