Nov 9, 2009

Oh Happy Day

   Alright, it is time for me to break my big announcement. You, my readers should feel very privileged because my own family will not know about this for a couple more weeks.

   Ok, are you ready for this? I can’t hear you. I said, ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? I’m going have a baby! The next several posts are going to take you through my initial suspicion of the possibility of being pregnant up to and after I got a positive test. Only the last three posts will show up on the main page so you will have to click back through the archives to find my first post that is labeled “Baby Dust (1)”, which was written only 5 DPO (days past ovulation) on October 21st. Keep in mind, in the first few posts, I did not know that I was pregnant.
   I hope you enjoy sharing in my journey of discovery. I also hope that this will help women going through the TWW (two week wait) of finding out if they are pregnant or not. I have made lists of my symptoms which have been pretty much the same all this time on each post.
   Just an update for today on my symptoms: My breasts are VERY tender and they have grown quite large. They hurt so bad I just hate to touch them. I’m also a bit queasy but fortunately I have not thrown up even once these past 5 weeks that I have been pregnant. Heartburn has become one of my enemies and TUMS are my ammunition amigos. For your enjoyment: “My back hurts, my bra’s too tight, and my booty shakes from the left… to the right, from the left…to the right.” This is my rewrite of a silly song we used to sing at camp.

   Ok, here come the posts I promised you…