Oct 26, 2009

10 DPO

 Well it is now 10 DPO. I again woke up this morning feeling pretty much normal, meaning I was not really having any symptoms. I took my temperature this morning and got a 98.9F, so I'm not real worried. Here it is 1:00 pm as I type this and I am feeling the nausea creeping back up on me. My nipples have just started to tingle within the past hour. This feels really weird because I do not normally experience this before a period. My abdomen has a heavy feeling to it or it feels like there is a gentle pulling sensation. Considering the possibility of this feeling, I find it kind of comforting.
   Just today I have noticed a difference in the size of my breasts. Actually for some reason my right breast seems to have gotten bigger while the left has not. Three days ago I measured both areolas against the size of my thumb and middle finger making a circle, they both fit inside the circle of my fingers. Today, the right areola is slightly larger than my finger circle and the left still fits. Very strange.
   I also still find it odd that this is the second day that I have woke up with virtually no symptoms only to have them come crawling back around midday. Perhaps instead of "morning sickness" I experience "midday sickness" usually an hour or so after lunch, which is also wierd since eating is supposed to make it all feel better.
    If I happen to be pregnant, this will all be worth it. I would go through absolute torture if it would result in a perfectly healthy baby. I might complain of an aching back and sore breasts, but in reality, I don't really mind.