A subject very near and dear to m heart. Obama is in the process of allowing federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Read this article from the Washington Post. As if there aren't other sources of stem cells such as cord blood for example? You get a lot more cells from an umbilical cord than you do from destroying human embryos and umbilical cord blood can be used immediately instead of being cultured. You can also get stem cells from recently deceased people in about the same manner you can harvest internal organs. Even adults had stem cells in the spinal cord which can be extracted in the event of death.
With all these other options out there that would not involve destroying a human life to obtain stem cells, why would Obama push to fund such research? I think the man is just plain evil and I have a pretty good explanation for that theory.
As a Christian, I know that it isn't my place to judge people, that is God's job and I would not presume to undermine His authority. However, the Bible does say that a Christian can observe the fruit of people who claim to be Christian to determine whether or not they are truly doing God's will. By "fruit", I mean to say the results of a person's actions, or what that person produces. Obama has specifically stated on national television that he claims Jesus Christ as his savior. Let's look at the fruit produced from this "Man of God" shall we? How about the pastor of the church Obama and his family attended for 20 + years. This would be the man who said things along the lines of God loves black people but hates white people. This is the man who said "God d*** America!" Generally, a person chooses a church based upon their own personal world view. A man who was a member of this church for 20 years is now the President of the USA. I'll let you put two and two together. How about his support for the gay community? This is not the fruit of a Christian. And forcing Americans to pay for abortions around the world? Did you know you are doing that right now? This is not the fruit of a Christian. And this funding of embryonic stem cell research is nothing short of abortion, even cannibalism! This, again, is not the fruit of a Christian.
After looking at Obama's fruit tree, I have not been able to find one piece of fruit that is in line with God's will. So in fact, no only does Obama eat of the forbidden fruit himself, he is mass producing it and slithering around like a serpent trying to get everyone else to partake of his "B.S." He, like the serpent in Eden, is a smooth talker and can make that forbidden fruit look very appetizing. And like the serpent, he wants people to believe they can be just like or better than God when they eat of this fruit. For example: Can mankind really alter the path of our global climate? How narcissistic must we have to be in order to think we have the power to alter the path of global climate change? I don't know but I guess the attempt sounds like a good idea. At the very least it will give the government more control over our meager little lives.
In conclusion, after further review of Obama's fruit, I have found nothing but poison and blasphemous garbage that he is trying to force down everyone's throats.
Dec 3, 2009
Mass Baby Killing
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Doing Just Fine
I have not updated my blog in a while and for that I apologize. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and my kid and I are doing just great. Excuse me as I go throw up again...
No, actually I have been queasy but have not thrown up even once. I did promise that I would start a baby blog and I will do that probably within the next week or so. I have been so busy at school and trying to get my work done that I just have not had time to write my blogs posts. When I get my new blog up I will post my first ultrasound picture taken at 8 weeks and elaborate on my first experience at a prenatal clinic. It was quite an adventure.
Side note: My husband and I were really wanting to go see Sarah Palin and get her autograph in Norman today. I don't think either of us expected that so many people would wait in line overnight just to get a wrist band so they could get in to see her tonight. With me being pregnant and the fact that it got below freezing last night, there was just no way we were going to be able to get a wrist band. I didn't need to be out there getting sick nor did either of us want to freeze all night long. A friend of mine said she got there at 11pm last night and got a wristband this morning. The number on the band was in the 200's and there are only 500 bands all together. As much as I would have loved to shake her hand, it seems like that just wont be possible today. Hopefully she will come around again and we will have another chance to meet with her and tell her what an amazing woman she is. Wouldn't I love to see a Christian woman in the White House? Oh yes, I would!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Nov 9, 2009
Oh Happy Day
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Nov 5, 2009
20 DPO
I do not really have anything new to report today. I have been very tired an nauseous lately. I hear that the second trimester is much easier; at least I have that to look forward to. For now, I think I'll just take some enjoyment out of my symptoms for a while. After all, this only reassures me that I do indeed have a baby inside me.
My mother, who is the only relative of mine who knows so far, has been affectionately calling my baby "Precious Peterson". I think its very sweet. Ever since she started calling him/her that, I have caught myself naming the baby "Little P". I think I may use that as a name for now.
When the time comes that the doctors are able to determine whether Little P is a girl or a boy, my husband and I agree that we want to know the baby's gender. I like to plan ahead. I want to be able to have a name for my child picked out long before the birth. I want to have a nursery completely ready in either pink or blue before the birth.
It is my full intention to cuddle, buy for, and otherwise spoil my children rotten until they start talking back to me. Then, the gloves are coming off. Seriously, though, I hope that I turn out to be a good mommy. I hope that I lead them by example to always put God first, other second, and themselves third. Oh, I just can hardly wait to see what Little P looks like.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Nov 2, 2009
16 DPO
I took another pregnancy test this morning just to make sure that the line was getting darker because when I took it on 11 DPO, the line was definitely there but somewhat faint. Today, the blue was very dark. See below to compare the pictures from 11 DPO to 16 DPO. Also keep in mind that the first time I tested was 5 pm. Today I tested 7:30 am. I am sure that makes some difference.
As afar as my symptoms go. I have nearly grown a full cup size already. My favorite bra is now too small to hold my girls in properly. I think that's amazing, my husband thinks its awesome. I have been experiencing sensations in my breasts that could be described as tingling. I think it feels more like mild electric shocks pulsing through them. You know that zap you get when you touch a doorknob and you get a shock? That's how my breasts feel only from the inside.
Cravings: I want sweets! Oh my gosh I can't get enough sweet foods. We have lots of candy left over from Halloween so I have had plenty opportunity to indulge. One of the strangest cravings I have gotten is for bbq flavored Fritos, you know those spiral ones? Weird. I have only tried those once in my life, way back in high school, and I didn't like them. Anyway, I didn't have any so I could not indulge in that craving anyway.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Oct 30, 2009
14 DPO
I told my mom! She is super excited about being a grandmother. Originally, she was thinking about going on a cruise with me and my husband next summer, now she says she would rather stay home and babysit the newborn.
Every other day, it seems, I go from feeling no symptoms at all to feeling super nauseous and cranky all day. Today is one of my no symptom days. Yesterday, I could barely make it through the day. All I wanted to do is just stay in bed. People have been telling me this is normal. It's just so weird.
My little baby, I can't wait to know you.
Are you a girl?
Or are you a boy?
What shall be your name?
What shall I call you?
Will you have my eyes?
Or your father's nose?
Will you smile constantly?
Or will you be the serious type?
Will you be a dreamer?
Or will you be an analytical thinker?
Oh my sweet baby, I can't wait to know you.
-Brandi Peterson
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Oct 27, 2009
Today marks 11 days past ovulation, and I have gotten my positive test result at 5pm this evening. I am so excited! Today my boobs are sore and tingly, I have been nauseous since I first woke up this morning. Supposedly, I was supposed to test tomorrow morning, but I POAS (peed on a stick) right after I got home from school this evening just because I was getting antsy, but I was rewarded with a positive. I might post a picture of the test later just to show you.
I had a presentation to make during one of my classes today. Nervousness and nauseousness really don't mix. Thankfully, I had bought a package of trail mix and a Sprite just beforehand which really helped me control it, but not 100%. I did my presentation, stomach somersaults and all. I just hope my grade did not suffer from my obvious shaking and sweating. I tried several times to tell my instructor before class that I wasn't feeling well, I guess he has a short attention span because I don't think he listened to me. Oh well, its all over, I've got bigger fish to fry, or babies to hatch!
I have found myself talking to my tummy this evening, is that weird? I don't care! Its my precious in there.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 7:00 PM 0 comments
All Systems Go!
Everything is playing out and on schedule. Are you ready? It wont be long now!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Oct 26, 2009
10 DPO
Well it is now 10 DPO. I again woke up this morning feeling pretty much normal, meaning I was not really having any symptoms. I took my temperature this morning and got a 98.9F, so I'm not real worried. Here it is 1:00 pm as I type this and I am feeling the nausea creeping back up on me. My nipples have just started to tingle within the past hour. This feels really weird because I do not normally experience this before a period. My abdomen has a heavy feeling to it or it feels like there is a gentle pulling sensation. Considering the possibility of this feeling, I find it kind of comforting.
Just today I have noticed a difference in the size of my breasts. Actually for some reason my right breast seems to have gotten bigger while the left has not. Three days ago I measured both areolas against the size of my thumb and middle finger making a circle, they both fit inside the circle of my fingers. Today, the right areola is slightly larger than my finger circle and the left still fits. Very strange.
I also still find it odd that this is the second day that I have woke up with virtually no symptoms only to have them come crawling back around midday. Perhaps instead of "morning sickness" I experience "midday sickness" usually an hour or so after lunch, which is also wierd since eating is supposed to make it all feel better.
If I happen to be pregnant, this will all be worth it. I would go through absolute torture if it would result in a perfectly healthy baby. I might complain of an aching back and sore breasts, but in reality, I don't really mind.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 11:00 AM 0 comments
So far it looks like everything is going according to plan. I should have my post series up very soon.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Oct 25, 2009
Roundin' past 9 and still doin' fine. Apart from the fact that I woke up this morning as nauseous as a cheerleader in a buffet line, I'm doing alright. I feel right about the same as yesterday with perhaps a slight increase on the nausea. I am looking forward to testing Wednesday with a pretty good amount of confidence of getting a positive. Don't you know that I was a little worried about barfing in the middle of Sunday service this morning? I could smell every type of perfume in the room, and it was making me gag.
A word on food: it seems that when I have "food aversions" the food always tastes overly salty to me whereas I would not have thought so before. Strange, huh?
That's it for today. I'll give another brief post tomorrow at 10 dpo.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Oct 24, 2009
Oddly, I woke up this morning with no symptoms at all. I thought that was strange. I thought to myself, perhaps it was a stomach bug after all. Then at one-o-clock today while I was walking around Walmart with my husband, it all hit me full throttle! If I thought I was experiencing nausea and back pain before, I CERTAINLY am now. Stephen must have noticed that I was turning pale (otherwise known as "green around the gills") because he asked me if I was okay. I told him then, that I have been experiencing what I think could be symptoms of pregnancy this past week. For the rest of this evening he has been a little excited, I knew he would be. I just hope we don't get our hopes up too high again. He has been smiling and hugging me sine we got home. Boy, I sure love that man.
So, symptoms today were pretty much the same as the past few days, only more severe. I have not actually thrown up yet, I have I pretty high gag tolerance, but I have felt stuff climbing up the inside of my neck a few times. One more thing I would like to add: I experienced my first food aversions today. I tried to eat a mini Cliff bar this morning for breakfast. I love them and eat them all the time. This morning, the things tasted like crap! And my darling husband made some homemade baked potato soup for us this evening. Oh it smelled so good, but it tasted so gross! I felt so bad, but I could not stomach it.
As of right now, I am still in the running for a kid and symptoms get worse every day. I test in less than 4 days now. If it is positive, you are reading this right now.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Oct 23, 2009
Nausea comes in waves lately, one of which is hitting me right now. I'm so green, blah! My nipples appear to be slowly turning purple. Although I have no idea if it is a symptom or not, I have discovered a couple black hairs growing out of the top of my nose...eww! I also apparently seem to be growing a mustache.Did I mention that my back is killing me and that I haven't had a full night's sleep for three consecutive nights?
It is possible that I have already implanted yesterday although my Pregnology chart does not show that happening until tomorrow. After coming home from school yesterday, I went straight to the bathroom as I have had to do these past few days and before I flushed, I noticed one single drop of dark red blood in the toilet, and I'm talking tiny. It looked as if the blood could have come from smacked mosquito and was quickly diffusing into the water.
At this point I am still not 100% certain that I AM pregnant. It is still too early to test, at least I think so. I will take my first test on October 28th. Why that day? It is simply the day the Pregnology calender suggests to test and it also happens to be the 13th dpo so my chances of getting an accurate reading is pretty good. If the test is negative, I also plan to test on missed AF day 1 on November 3th, and if need be again on the 9th. You can wish me luck, I'd be glad of it. But, I wont be posting these until I get a positive test so I guess if you are reading this right now, I might need some congratulations too!
The Pregnology website sure has helped me be able to keep up with my regular cycles over the past year. Now I am using it to help me determine how far along I am on my "possible" pregnancy. Check it out!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Oct 22, 2009
I am now 6 DPO and I have all the same symptoms as before plus something new.
When I rolled out of bed this morning I looked down and noticed that I have those little blue veins popping up around my nipples, several little bumps surrounding both areolas, and the areolas look "dirty". What I mean by dirty is they are getting some slight dark splotches that make it look dirt is caked on. Another thing I am experiencing is uterine contractions possibly? I am definitely cramping but sometimes it feels like my whole uterus is throbbing. I have Googled this and came up with the conclusion that it could mean the body is trying to make room for the baby by stretching the womb.
And what about this hunger? I just ate breakfast a couple hours ago and my stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days. I think half my class just heard it because I am getting strange looks from people around me. "Sorry, I'm hungry. (and I might be pregnant...but I didn't mention that)"
This past Tuesday, I could hardly make it through one hour of Crew Resource Management without getting up to pee several times, and that was only 4dpo! I wish I could slow down the frequent trips to the bathroom by drinking less water, but I'm SO thirsty. I might as well be walking through the desert with no food or water with the way I am feeling right now. I just ate and I'm hungry, I have a water bottle sitting by me right now and I can't seem to get enough to drink. I think I am just going to sit here and cry about it right here, right now. Why me!!
No, I'm not dramatic, really. And I am NEVER sarcastic, nope not me.
Fingers crossed!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Oct 21, 2009
Delayed Postings…
I am working on a series of posts that I will not put up until the beginning of November. I may post a few things here and there before then but bear with me for the next couple of weeks. Now, it may come to pass that I need to change my plans for those posts and in that case I will resume writing my blog in just about the same way as I always have. But as of right now, I am planning on putting up these exciting blog posts after the first week of November.
In the meantime, I could sure use some prayer that all goes well with this potentially wonderful situation. It's a secret for now…I wont tell!!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Baby Dust ( 1 )
Today is October 21st 2009. I wanted to write that date here because I do not plan on publishing this for another week or two. On the day I post this, I will have gotten a positive on a pregnancy test. But today, as I write this, I only have a sneaking suspicion that I might be pregnant and I do not want to tell anyone, even my husband, until I am really sure. We had such heart-brake recently when I discovered I was pregnant only to miscarry within the next 24 hours. I don't want him getting exited about the possibility until I get a positive test.
Anyway, I always like to hear how people kinda start to figure out that they might be pregnant so I decided to post my journey of the next couple of weeks. I plan to start a new blog about my progress right after my first doctor's visit.
FLP (first day of last period): Sept 30
Estimated ovulation day: Oct 16
Estimated AF (aunt flow) day: Nov 5
Today I am 5 dpo (days past ovulation) and for the past 48 hours I have felt bloated, nauseous, hungry, lower back pain, headache, fatigue, and cramping as if I am on my period. I am also experiencing an "anxious" or "nervous" sensation like my heart and stomach flutters just a little bit. Now you see why I am sorta wondering if I might be preggers?
As with all women TTC (trying to conceive), I would very much like to just wave a magic wand and say that because I am having these symptoms that I automatically deserve to be pregnant so *bling* I'm pregnant. But symptoms can be deceiving. I know that I am really feeling these things, but it is possible to have them and not be pregnant. I must admit that I have been having "in-fantasies". (I just made that word up so if someone else said it first I'm sorry. I have a very dry sense of humor.)What I mean by "in-fantasies" is that I often dream about the day I will have a baby in my arms. TTC in and of itself is pretty enjoyable *wink*, but oh how exciting it will be when I get a confirmed healthy pregnancy that continues full term!
Here's to waiting for my miracle!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Oct 19, 2009
“Antichrist”, the Movie
"Antichrist" is a new horror flick sweeping the nation right now that has already been showed in theaters throughout the world. But before you go spurge on the movie tickets for this one, you may want to read the reviews. In fact, go watch the movie trailer for yourself which can be found on YouTube. I won't post the link to the trailer here for reasons I will explain in a moment. If you would rather take my word for it and not view the trailer, then please be my guest. At the beginning of the movie, a young couple is shown having sex while their son is catching snowflakes from his window in another room. The boy falls out of the window to his death. In despair, the couple decides to live in a cabin near the woods for a while. During their time in the woods they engage in occult activity which includes graphic mutilating sexual acts that spare nearly nothing to the imagination. With such pornographic and satanic images, no one need see this movie. Do not let your children go out and see this movie with their friends! Nothing good can come from seeing this movie. With any luck, it will be banned from most theaters anyway. After watching the "Antichrist" trailer, I wished I hadn't. The trailer itself should be rated R. Read this review from World Net Daily, a Christian news site. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=113156 About Satanic Influence: What kind of influence does the devil really have on mankind? Think of sex, for example. Is sex a sin against God? If that were the case, every living thing on the planet would be evil. Sex is necessary for reproduction. But sex is sanctified in mankind to be a fulfillment of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman, first as consummation of the marriage, and then as a reminder of the couple's love and dedication to each other and to God who put them together to become "one flesh". The desire for sex is given to us by God himself so that we will have a constant desire for our spouses. Satan's specialty is to take the things that God gives us and turn them against the will of God. He tries to get people to fulfill their God-given desires in ungodly ways. In the movie "Antichrist" the sexual relationship between this married couple, which is supposed to be wonderful and sacred, has been turned against the will of God. On a different note, even basic human needs can be influenced by evil. Do we eat to nourish our bodies or do we overindulge to satisfy our own pleasure? It isn't a sin to enjoy and take pleasure in the taste of food or even to have our bountiful holiday feasts to share the joy of the season with our families. But some of us, myself included, enjoy eating like every day is a holiday. I'll admit I am guilty as charged. I love to eat. But overindulgence to the point of being overweight cannot possibly be God's will for our lives. Overeating is costly both financially and in health. This is an area I have been working on in my life. But also keep in mind that you can also be too obsessed with being healthy. The furthering of God's kingdom is what is really important. If given the choice between going to the gym and sitting in a coffee shop talking to someone about Jesus, you should choose the latter. I promise that if you do, God is going to be much more willing to help you with achieving a healthy physical body. He made you and knows every aspect of your body, who can ask for a better doctor than God? In any case, when faced with temptation by the devil to turn a gift from God into something unholy, just put your trust in God. He will NEVER allow you to be in a situation that you cannot endure. When you feel trapped, there is always The Way out. Notice I said "The Way out". This is not a grammatical error; Jesus said "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Light." He is the path we follow, the truth we trust, and the light to light the path. Follow Jesus, and you will find that what you thought was a cage to trap you has no power to hold you. Thank you, Jesus for suffering and dying for my freedom from the nets Satan throws over me. Your holy fire turns temptation into ash and is nothing more than dust beneath my feat. Because You go before me into battle, are with me day to day, and also guard my back, the victory is already won before I raise my hand to strike at my enemy. I will trust in You all of my days. My King, my Captain, my Father, my Friend. In Jesus' most precious and Holy Name, Amen.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Oct 16, 2009
A Funny Thing Happened
I am a student at the University of Oklahoma. Yesterday, I was heading to my first class that was at the bottom floor (underground) of a two story building. As I was walking towards the steps to get to the classroom at the bottom, I saw the building's janitor sweeping the steps with a broom. This man is probably in his 30's, not real tall, and dark, most likely Hispanic. I've seen him around before and have often greeted him "Good morning." Well, when I saw him yesterday sweeping those steps, I had a thought to say something silly. As he looked up at me and nodded his greeting, I grinned and started singing "Cinderelli, Cinderelli…" He paused for a split second and then gave a hearty bellow of laughter. I chuckled as I entered the classroom door. After I sat down and started to get ready for class, I could hear the janitor just outside laughing and telling someone "Some girl just called me Cinderella!" Well that silly little moment made me start that day off with a smile. Aren't those silly moments in life just great? The best ones are the times we spend with family. My husband and I, for example, have lots of silly moments. I remember the first time he passed gas in front of me. We had just met and started dating. At his apartment, we were sitting next to each other kind of snuggling. He was staring into my eyes and I thought he was about to plant one on my lips. All of a sudden I heard this *speeeeeef*. Poor Stephen turned very pale and his eyes widened in horror at passing gas in front of his new girlfriend. To his utter relief, I started giggling. Needless to say, his embarrassing moment did not ruin our relationship. On the contrary, it is one of those moments that we hold in fond memory. Please feel free to leave a comment with your silly moment. I'd like to hear them.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Oct 14, 2009
A Cute Delinquent 6 yr Old
"Poor Zachary." I said to myself as I watched the news story unfold about the 6 year old boy who brought a mess kit to school to show it off to his friends. The tool looked like an army knife only instead of having different kinds of knives; it contained eating utensils, a spoon, fork, and a knife that is basically a butter knife. Zachary was interviewed by FOX News today because he was allowed to go back to his school. I am so glad that the school board did not force that sweet little boy to go to a reform school over a mess kit. I would just like to know what those idiots were thinking when they suspended Zachary from school. This little boy obviously had no intentions of hurting anyone; he wanted to eat his lunch with his new "toy". If Zachary is to be considered a bad kid, I hope my children are just as awful. When asked what he was going to tell his classmates, Zachary said "Going to tell them what we've learned from all this." Will his return make his classmates happy? Zachary thinks so "That's exactly right, I think everyone will be happy." Makes you just want to gobble the little guy up doesn't it? I think he is adorable.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Oct 8, 2009
A Picture Worth More Than Words
...it is more than every word mankind has ever written.
I'd like to remind my readers that I REALLY love comments. Even if you just say "howdy" and nothing else. But, seriously, leave me some feedback and if you give me permission, I might quote you.
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
May God bless you today.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 10:25 AM 2 comments
Oct 6, 2009
David Letterman Does Have a Prayer…Mine
I have been hearing all about Mt. Letterman and his recent trouble with adultery. Honestly, I do not know if he truly feels terribly for cheating on his wife. My prayer for him is that God will use this for His glory. I hope that Letterman will truly be convicted for what he has done. I hope that he will confess this to God and accept Jesus as his savior. God could really use this man; he has such potential because he has a voice that reaches the whole nation. I may not like David Letterman's antics, but I know that God loves him in spite of his sin; for that I would be ecstatic to embrace Mr. Letterman as my brother in Christ someday. Join me in praying for the soul of this lost sheep. Pray that he finds his way to the Shepherd. Adultery is not an unpardonable sin. His wife may not forgive him, but God will if he humbly asks for it. Homosexuality is not an unpardonable sin. Murder (even abortion) is not an unpardonable sin. Anyone can receive forgiveness if they ask it of the Father and trust the Son to save them from that sin. Matthew 5:27,28 27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Is anyone perfect? No! All have fallen short of God's glory. Only Jesus can keep us afloat. Only Jesus can right our wrongs. Mr. Letterman, YOU are on MY list! (Prayer list, that is.)
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Oct 5, 2009
Wanna Peek? Click Here to See More!
In today's ".com" era, kids as young as four can be exposed to sex online. "More than a decade after the American public started cruising the Web, it is clear that children can find everything from nudity to sites featuring sexual violence and other extremes. For parents, this creates challenges that never existed before: how to keep porn away from young eyes, and what to do when safety measures fail." http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2006-01-29-porn-protection_x.htm CBS news has also recently covered the topic of porn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Tg3FuzU2s . So what can we do? First, we must LEARN how porn is coming in to our homes. Next, we must TALK to our children about what they might find online and tell them to flee from it as fast as they can. FINALLY, we must put filters to make finding such material more difficult. Because filters do not block everything, it is more important to talk to our children about the subject. How do we do that? Start with scientific fact. Randy Hyde, a clinical psychologist, and Bernell Christensen, a marriage and family therapist say that pornography greatly affects the chemicals in the brain that causes porn to be a true addiction, like drugs or alcohol. The following chemicals are released in the brain when someone views pornography. 1) Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that focuses attention and energy and gives the body a sense of excitement or arousal. 2) Nor epinephrine – causes the brain to have precise recall of experiences or images. 3) Oxytocin – is a chemical that causes a sense of bonding. "During sexual intimacy, a tidal wave of oxytocin is released at climax, forging a powerful bond" and causes porn viewers to bond powerfully with the images. 4) Serotonin is my "drug of choice" because it is what causes women to crave chocolate during PMS. The chocolate triggers this chemical to be released, the darker the chocolate, the stronger the dose of serotonin. It is a natural stress relief and a relaxant. Porn viewers get a "release" from life by watching porn when serotonin is present. Click here to listen about this topic. Why should kids care about brain chemicals? Using scientific facts to talk about this subject makes it less uncomfortable for them. Also, kids are going to be more receptive when you can back up what you are trying to tell them with facts. Sometimes listening to Mom and Dad's advice just isn't the cool thing to do. But if you can give them facts as to how porn becomes an addiction instead of just a pep talk, it will stick with them much easier. Who knows, they may even want to share this information with their friends because it will make them sound smart. Beyond telling children what happens to people's brains when they look at porn, it is probably more important to tell them about Jesus. If Jesus lives in your home, within one or both parents, and you give your faith and trust to Him, he will see you through. Philippians 4:7, 8 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Psalm 101:3 I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me. Matthew 5: 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:27,28 27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Porn does not affect boys only, although most pornography is targeted at guys, women young and old are also pulled in. But, there is a difference in the WHY when it comes to girls and boys. Boys view porn mostly because they are addicted to the "drugs" released into the brain while viewing. Girls, on the other hand, look at porn because they do not have a positive self image and they want to become the desirable woman in the pictures. "Women, more than men, are likely to act out their behaviors in real life such as having multiple partners, casual sex, or affairs." http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html It is true that women do get addicted to the brain chemicals, but they originally view the porn in the first place because they have been taught that beauty is on the outside, not the inside. Girls need to be taught from an early age what it means to be a lovely work of art by the Father. In a desperate search for beauty, girls seek images to tell them what they have to do to be considered beautiful by the world. Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. I cannot stress the importance of talking to your children enough. Tell them why they need to stay away from porn. Tell them that God made them very special and has a plan for their lives that cannot be fulfilled if they are engaged in such sin. Have faith that God will speak words of wisdom into your children's ears when you are not there to guide them.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Oct 1, 2009
Lovin’ my Girl-ness
I was just thinking it would be nice to write about something different today. The rest of the world will still be there to talk about tomorrow and if it isn't, then I am sure I will have much better things to do than blog. This morning, I was just thinking about how great it is that God made me a woman. Oh sure, there are tons of things I could complain about like hormones, PMS, PAP exams, emotions, chipped nail polish, and the run that has just started racing up my new pair of panty hose, but who ever heard of a free lunch right? There are some men out there who wish they were born women, and some go to such extremes to try and make their bodies look like the body of a woman. But like I said, there are no free lunches; you can't be a woman unless you have experienced a craving for chocolate so desperate that you would be willing to scratch the eyes out of the gal sitting next to you munching away at her own little pack of M&M's. Of course, I am kidding, sort of. The Bible says "thou shall not covet" which is a sin I am guilty of for at least one week out of every month when it comes to chocolate. Those men who try to be women are only kidding themselves, because every woman pays the price of being a woman, and every woman has a specific purpose for God's will. God created man in his physical image: two arms, two legs, strength, and honor. Women, on the other hand, were made in the image of God's spiritual beauty. Think about how the Bible describes the church at the end of days. The church is the bride of Christ, beautifully adorned with the gifts Christ has provided for her. A man is to love his wife the way Christ loves the church, and we all know that Christ loves the church so much that he died for her. Clearly, God considers women to be a special part of His creation; He gives the church a feminine personification by calling it the Bride and Christ the Bridegroom. I don't know about you, ladies, but that just makes being a girl worthwhile doesn't it? Am I a feminist? I suppose in the most general sense of the word, I am indeed and I believe God has become a feminist. Let me tell you how I define feminism. A woman whose husband is either dead or useless needs be able to make a way for herself in this world. Please note that I will not dog on men because Adam was created first and man is the God-ordained head of the household. But in some cases that are increasing in number nowadays, it is the woman who plays the role of spiritual leader in her home because her husband refuses to obey God's commands. I do not say this is true in every Christian home or even in most Christian homes, but I do say the number of women having to step up where their husbands slack is increasing. This is why I think God has become a feminist from my understanding of the word. I believe God has allowed women such liberty in our American society today because some men are slacking off. If, God bless her, Mrs. Palin become President of this United States of America, it will be because there is no man found better fit for this position. As it is a woman's duty to care for her household, so too could a woman take care of her home country. I don't think she would rule the country like a man, she would rule it as a woman, a wife, and a mother. As far as liberal feminism goes, it makes me sick. Those fools will scoff at women who choose the life of a housewife, a soccer mom, or even a beauty queen in a pageant. Why should women who like to be girly be scoffed and ridiculed? I tell you what, I don't want to be a MAN! Eww! So my favorite color is pink, so I played with Barbie Dolls until I was twelve, what is that to you? Sure a woman should be able to do anything a man can do, that doesn't mean we want to. And your support of lesbianism? Disgusting! Keep that junk away from my children. It is not for YOU to decide what I should teach my children. And THAT by the way will be that homosexuality is wrong, thank you very much. Try as you might, you won't take my faith, my kids, or my freedoms from me, all are in God's hand. Sisters, what I have just mentioned above is an example of people who want to take away your joy for being a woman. In some sick and twisted way, people who are liberal feminists want women to be EXACTLY EQUAL to men. But that is simply impossible. We can't be men, because we are women. God has a special plan and purpose for each and every Christian woman on this earth. Ladies, I challenge you to be prayer warriors. Get into the spiritual battle between the demons of this world and your homes. Fight for those husbands, lift them up before God, fight for those children, their minds are in danger from the toxic waste that politicians spew from their mouths (which is a greater threat to society than the smog of industry). Let's go into battle together on our knees, girls. We are wives, we are mothers, we are daughters, we are sisters, we…are…WARRIORS!
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Sep 29, 2009
Homosexuality Not Something to be Proud Of
Obama made the following comments at a White House reception honoring "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month": There are unjust laws to overturn and unfair practices to stop. And though we've made progress, there are still fellow citizens – perhaps neighbors or even family members and loved ones – who still hold fast to worn arguments and old attitudes, who fail to see your families like their families and who would deny you the rights that most Americans take for granted. And I know this is painful, and I know it can be heartbreaking. – Barack Hussein Obama, June 29, 2009 http://raptureready.com/featured/graham/g81.html -Article by Ron Grahm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For those who engage in a homosexual lifestyle, I just want to say that God loves you just as much as he loves all of his creation. Unfortunately, there are people who consider themselves Christians who will tell you that you are evil and deserve to rot in hell. I have witnessed one person telling a gay person this before and I am here to tell you that it makes me sick and is simply not true. It doesn't matter what you have done, God still loves you. BUT, it is important for you to understand that the Bible clearly states that one man having sex with another man or one woman having sexual relations with another woman is a sin. The Bible also says that lust, hatefulness, cheating, lying, killing, worshiping anything that is not God, or even sassing their parents is a sin. Your sin is not more severe than a student who copies answers for a test and submits it for his own. Your sin is not more severe than a teenager that rolls her eyes when her mother asks her to do something. Sin is sin and it needs to be dealt with. But I do not hate you, and God does not by any means hate you. In fact, He loves you very, very much. Now I will speak to those who are reading this for information. I would highly encourage you to go to the link I provided above and read the article. I will be quoting this article throughout my post today. As you may have read in my previous posts, I have been mostly talking about the effect that today's society is having on our children right under our noses. This is a particular subject that I am very passionate about as my husband and I consider bringing our first child into the world. It is important for everyone to gain knowledge of what is going on around them and how it is affecting our kids. Although you may not have seen You Tube videos of what is being taught in the classrooms about homosexuality, does not mean indoctrination isn't happening to our children. From a gay tolerance web site, teachers are encouraged to sneak the topic of homosexuality into the classroom. "If you're smooth enough few may notice that you started out talking Socrates and ended with the Stonewall riots. Indirectly, you're aiding them in seeing LGBT people as positive contributors to society." http://gaylife.about.com/od/gayteens/ss/studentteacher_3.htm Oh keep reading if you are intrigued and want to learn what kind of "smooth" talking is going on in our kids schools. They are being spoon-fed this poison about tolerance of a homosexual lifestyle before they even realize it! Below is a bit of information that is often left out of talk about homosexuality, because it is based in Biblical truth. Homosexuals also have an interest in saying they were "born that way." All attempts thus far to prove this have been based more on wishful thinking than solid biological research, but if it is found to be the case, so what? The Bible teaches we are all born with a predisposition to sin. It shouldn't surprise us that some 2% of the population finds this predisposition expressed in homosexual desire. Graham is right when he talk about the fact that every human is born into sin and must be saved by grace to be free from it. This makes a whole lot of sense. Of course some people feel they were born homosexual, ALL are born with a sinful nature. Only Jesus Christ can save us from our sin.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Password Compromised
This happened a little while back but I just wanted to let anyone know who has previously read my blog and discovered that there was a post that was a bit vulgar. I did not write that. My password was compromised. I have deleted the offensive content and have changed my password. I guess I need to be changing all my passwords regularly from now on. I'm just glad it was only my blog and not something involving my personal information. I apologize if anyone out there read that and thought that I put it there. Unfortunately there is no telling who has or has not and for some people, my integrity was compromised along with my password. Things like this happen to the best of us, though. Thanks for reading.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 11:59 AM 1 comments
Sep 28, 2009
Not MY Kids!
If you have been watching the news lately, you have seen the video with the children singing praises to Obama. But what you didn't know was that there was more to this video that makes it much worse from a Christian perspective than even Fox News reported. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zrsl8o4ZPo This link shows the entire video. Please watch this before you continue reading. Ok, let's talk about the first song they sang. "Red, yellow, black, white, all are precious in his sight." Clearly this is not talking about Jesus, but it was a song originally written for Him. This is a blatant slap in the face for not only Christians, but anyone who does not "worship" Obama. Now the next song is sung to the tune "Battle Hymn of the Republic". I think this one is the bigger stinger for Christians not because of the lyrics specifically, but the fact that those words were put to the tune of a song that was first intended to praise God for delivering victory in battle. One parent of a child in the video is horrified and told Fox News "I'm stunned -- I can't believe it's our school," said Jim Pronchik, who told FOXNews.com his 8-year-old son Jimmy was one of the 18 students in the video. "We don't want to praise this guy like he's a god or an idol or a king or anything like that. That's the wrong message to be sending."(FOXNews.com) Evidently, the school did not even tell the parents that their children were going to be videotaped and then published on You Tube, let alone the small fact that they were replacing words in songs to Jesus with praises to Obama. Because the lyrics on this video are hard to understand, you go here to find the complete lyrics: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/24/lyrics-songs-president-obama/ While I was looking at this video, I have come across some more things that will send chills up your spine. In the following video, you will watch as some students hail Obama as the "Alpha and Omega" praising him and promoting his health care bill. These students are obviously much older than the kids in the previous video, but young enough to be susceptible to an indoctrination that they cannot possibly fully understand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOtGr1JFCnE Like I said, chilling. Have you watched the video "The Story of Stuff"? You may have seen it on the news but probably not the whole thing. If not watch it now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBE5QAYXp8 Now, I consider myself to be more conservative than the average republican, and yet, I don't think I would forbid my child to see this. This lady has some very good points but leaves out some information. As a Christian, I think it is important to take care of our environment. We are to be good stewards of our God given resources. However, the rights of animals and trees should not be elevated over the rights of people. The whole Green Energy idea does not upset me really, it is the idea that in California the possibility of a rare tiny fish MAY be present in the water, so those people that live in that area are not allowed to water their crops, feed their families, or get income from the sale of those crops. These people's way of life is deteriorating because their MIGHT be fish in that water. People need to come first. I have no problem sacrificing the fish to feed the people. It is true, that gluttony is a sin. As God's children, we need to learn to be more content with what we have and not "covet" our neighbor's things. There is nothing wrong with being a consumer, but from a spiritual perspective, we should ask ourselves "What purpose will this item serve? Will it glorify God?" If the answer is to only pleasure yourself and will not bring glory to God in any way, we should reconsider the purchase of that item. For example, a computer can be a valuable resource in furthering the Kingdom of God. But if you are using the computer to cheat on your spouse by looking at porn, ignore your children because you are playing games, become lazy watching You Tube all day instead of going out into the world and telling of God's love, this is not an item we need to buy. Therefore, I agree with this video that consumption of goods in and of itself does not make people happy. People do indeed buy things to try and find spiritual fulfillment and happiness. The viscous cycle of consumption, working to pay for our consumption and society telling us we are worthless if we do not consume the latest items is very true. Green energy and green living is not going to provide that spiritual fulfillment or happiness either. The element that is missing to this whole thing is Jesus. Once you have Him on your side, you fill find that fulfillment and will not have as strong of a desire to consume. Stuff becomes less important unless you buy that laptop and use it for His purpose and through Him find satisfaction. We put on our armor everyday by reading the Word of God, but we do not need to go in and fight. Jesus has already won the battle. If you align yourself with Him, victory is yours. This is how you break that cycle of unhappiness, and you can work on Green living as a way to be a good steward of God's creation. Just keep in mind that people come first, animals and environmental issues second. Save those rainforests, but not at the expense of building someone a home. Learn to consume based on things you truly need or can use for God's glory. In this way, he will bless the things you have and will not allow tools used for His purpose to cause harm to His creation.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Sep 25, 2009
Drowning in Politics
Lots of things have been happening lately. Sometimes it really makes me think that we are truly in the end times. I think from now on I will be adding clips from different sources. Also, I'd like to inform you that RaptureReady.com is a great resource for finding stories that really matter. They mostly cite sources from reputable newspapers and news sites.
The following was taken from World Net Daily. The link to the exact location of this article is posted below the clip so you can read the whole thing for yourself.
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook that compulsory, government-mandated "green abortions" would be a constitutionally acceptable way to control population growth and prevent ecological disasters, including global warming, because a fetus was most likely not a "person" under the terms of the 14th Amendment.
Ok, whoa, just hold on a minute. GOVERMENT MANDATED GREEN ABORTION?! For those who need a quick reminder, the 14th Amendment states "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." This "czar" is attempting to use the 14th Amendment to determine the point at which a baby becomes human. But what he obviously fails to recognize is the word "naturalized" in that statement. If a child's parents are legal US citizens, the child is automatically a legal US citizen and should be provided the same rights to LIFE and LIBERTY. And might I make the point that this is a man-made document concerning legality of citizenship that has absolutely no basis in scientific research whatsoever. This man is one of Obama's many czars. These czars are the people to whom our president has given privilege position.
From a book that Holdren co-authored, Ecoscience, "a fetus is only a potential human being, with no particular rights." And "To most biologists, an embryo or a fetus is no more a complete human being than a blueprint is a complete building." Does Mr. Holdren fail to recognize that an unborn baby has a brain, nerves, spinal chord, its own beating heart. Perhaps he should watch this video as you should too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvshMADC7s0 . And your tax dollars are paying this man to whisper poison into the ears of our political leaders. Quite frankly, Holdren does not care one way or the other about killing humans for the purpose of population control for the sake of the environment. From the same book mentioned above "Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren in his rare 1977 book titled Ecoscience recommended involuntary sterilization and compulsory (forced) abortion. In addition suggested putting a “sterilant” into population's drinking water as part of a government population control regime." <http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/involuntary-sterilization-government-population-control-regime/blog-109393/>
Dear friends, we need to be bringing these problems to God. We need to be praying that He casts down our enemies who wish to destroy us. We need to be raising a fuss to our leaders and tell them we are outraged. We cannot sit back as we are sterilized into submission to our government. Pray, talk about it, bring it to attention. If we have faith in our God, he will see us through.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Feb 26, 2009
Deep Sigh
It has been such a long time since I last blogged. I just have not been able to have some time to myself to do so. Sometimes it is hard to believe how much I have missed it and how de-stressing it is to just write my thoughts down.
It is in times like these when the world seems to be flushing itself down its own toilet that I like to reflect on some of the simple things in life. This past week has been quite pleasant. I was able to purchase a book I needed for a class at the campus bookstore. While I was in there, I found a package containing Burt’s Bees products on sale for $1.50! I could hardly believe it, so I purchased the item. I have been enjoying the products inside ever since. I don't really know why, but that small purchase just kind of made my day. If you knew me, you would not believe what I did yesterday. I purchased something for myself that cost more than $5. This is extremely rare as I hardly ever spend money unless it is something I really need. I was hanging around the student union when I came upon their small bookstore (different from the one above), and in the window was a hot pink hoodie that had OKLAHOMA written in white block lettering on the front. They had other colors available, but pink is my favorite color. I just could not help myself. When I picked out my size and took it to the cashier, I griped at him (jokingly) about putting cute stuff in the windows to make me buy it. As soon as I made that purchase, I headed for the nearest restroom and put it on. When I got home that evening, my husband complimented me! He said the brightness of the pink hoodie made my skin look pretty and really brought out all of my dark features. I thought it was a sweet comment. I don’t get complements like that from him very often.
There is a guy in one of my classes that I have a suspicion might be interested in me. I have made it a point to mention to this person that I am married and have tried to be cordial but at the same time showing no mutual feelings. I really don’t want to be rude to this person, but I may have to come across that way to make the point, not available and not interested. I think this guy might be a little bit socially backwards. He looks a bit awkward and makes comments and remarks in class that are a bit inappropriate at the time. It makes me a little uncomfortable when I catch him watching me out of the corner of my eye.
I have learned to always keep an eye on guys like this because a person who tries to flirt with someone who is married and quite obviously not returning the interest may not have the best of intentions. More than once, I have had someone stalk me. Only one of those guys actually scared me to the point of calling the police because he kept showing up and deliberately touched my rear at a McDonalds once. I admit that instance has probably made me a little bit paranoid, but you just really never know what people’s intentions are. I’m thankful that nothing serious has ever really happened to me. I am planning on taking self defense classes sometime in the near future. I think I would feel a little more confident when I am in public by myself.
Ok, switching gears, I think I’ll touch on politics. Last I checked, the first amendment still applies so I’ll voice my opinion while I can. I think Obama is just full of…full of….well let’s just say he is full of “it”. I am so tired of the government rewarding lazy people. There is a member of my family on welfare, who for the past few years has been living in a home that is much bigger than my mother could have ever afforded for us. The home had a big yard and a pool. My mom worked 3 full-time jobs to keep up with bills, while this person in our family lived much more comfortably working one part-time job. Out of frustration, one day my mother asked this person “Why don’t you get a real job so that you won’t have to live off of welfare anymore?” This person replied “If I made a higher income, the government would stop paying welfare, I would lose my house and have to move in to something smaller and more affordable like an apartment.” This just goes to show that there is absolutely no incentive for people on welfare to go to work and get off of welfare. The government lets them live rent-free in a home way better than many middle class Americans can afford. I have heard the argument from some people who disagree with me that “Living off the government is no kind of life.” Well, it is evidently good enough for a lot of people who are living much more comfortably than Americans who actually pay their own mortgage. Yet, our president just keeps handing out money to people who need to get off their lazy rears and try to earn it themselves. Let me say this though, I know there are people out there in this country who really are struggling. I have nothing against giving help to those people. But the government should not make these people want to live off government handouts for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, they should be set back on their feet and left alone. Folks like this certain family member of mine who just won’t work because living off the government is just too good of a deal need to be taken off the welfare program so that money can go to people who are truly in need of it. I think simply cutting down on paying to keep lazy people comfortable will help build our economy back up. This kind of spending really isn’t necessary.
That’s my rant for today, I am hoping to start blogging a whole lot more often so if you are interested, stay tuned.
God bless us every one.
Posted by TrueLoveCame at 8:21 AM 0 comments