Nov 5, 2009

20 DPO

    I do not really have anything new to report today. I have been very tired an nauseous lately. I hear that the second trimester is much easier; at least I have that to look forward to. For now, I think I'll just take some enjoyment out of my symptoms for a while. After all, this only reassures me that I do indeed have a baby inside me.

    My mother, who is the only relative of mine who knows so far, has been affectionately calling my baby "Precious Peterson". I think its very sweet. Ever since she started calling him/her that, I have caught myself naming the baby "Little P". I think I may use that as a name for now.

    When the time comes that the doctors are able to determine whether Little P is a girl or a boy, my husband and I agree that we want to know the baby's gender. I like to plan ahead. I want to be able to have a name for my child picked out long before the birth. I want to have a nursery completely ready in either pink or blue before the birth.

     It is my full intention to cuddle, buy for, and otherwise spoil my children rotten until they start talking back to me. Then, the gloves are coming off. Seriously, though, I hope that I turn out to be a good mommy. I hope that I lead them by example to always put God first, other second, and themselves third. Oh, I just can hardly wait to see what Little P looks like.

Three More Days

 It's almost time!

Nov 2, 2009

16 DPO

   I took another pregnancy test this morning just to make sure that the line was getting darker because when I took it on 11 DPO, the line was definitely there but somewhat faint. Today, the blue was very dark. See below to compare the pictures from 11 DPO to 16 DPO. Also keep in mind that the first time I tested was 5 pm. Today I tested 7:30 am. I am sure that makes some difference.

 11 DPO at 5pm

16 DPO at 7:30 am

   As afar as my symptoms go. I have nearly grown a full cup size already. My favorite bra is now too small to hold my girls in properly. I think that's amazing, my husband thinks its awesome. I have been experiencing sensations in my breasts that could be described as tingling. I think it feels more like mild electric shocks pulsing through them. You know that zap you get when you touch a doorknob and you get a shock? That's how my breasts feel only from the inside.

   Cravings: I want sweets! Oh my gosh I can't get enough sweet foods. We have lots of candy left over from Halloween so I have had plenty opportunity to indulge. One of the strangest cravings I have gotten is for bbq flavored Fritos, you know those spiral ones? Weird. I have only tried those once in my life, way back in high school, and I didn't like them. Anyway, I didn't have any so I could not indulge in that craving anyway.

  That's it for today. Thanks for reading!