Oct 24, 2009


   Oddly, I woke up this morning with no symptoms at all. I thought that was strange. I thought to myself, perhaps it was a stomach bug after all. Then at one-o-clock today while I was walking around Walmart with my husband, it all hit me full throttle! If I thought I was experiencing nausea and back pain before, I CERTAINLY am now. Stephen must have noticed that I was turning pale (otherwise known as "green around the gills") because he asked me if I was okay. I told him then, that I have been experiencing what I think could be symptoms of pregnancy this past week. For the rest of this evening he has been a little excited, I knew he would be. I just hope we don't get our hopes up too high again. He has been smiling and hugging me sine we got home. Boy, I sure love that man.

   So, symptoms today were pretty much the same as the past few days, only more severe. I have not actually thrown up yet, I have I pretty high gag tolerance, but I have felt stuff climbing up the inside of my neck a few times. One more thing I would like to add: I experienced my first food aversions today. I tried to eat a mini Cliff bar this morning for breakfast. I love them and eat them all the time. This morning, the things tasted like crap! And my darling husband made some homemade baked potato soup for us this evening. Oh it smelled so good, but it tasted so gross! I felt so bad, but I could not stomach it.

   As of right now, I am still in the running for a kid and symptoms get worse every day. I test in less than 4 days now. If it is positive, you are reading this right now.

Oct 23, 2009


   Nausea comes in waves lately, one of which is hitting me right now. I'm so green, blah! My nipples appear to be slowly turning purple. Although I have no idea if it is a symptom or not, I have discovered a couple black hairs growing out of the top of my nose...eww! I also apparently seem to be growing a mustache.Did I mention that my back is killing me and that I haven't had a full night's sleep for three consecutive nights?
    It is possible that I have already implanted yesterday although my Pregnology chart does not show that happening until tomorrow. After coming home from school yesterday, I went straight to the bathroom as I have had to do these past few days and before I flushed, I noticed one single drop of dark red blood in the toilet, and I'm talking tiny. It looked as if the blood could have come from smacked mosquito and was quickly diffusing into the water. 
    At this point I am still not 100% certain that I AM pregnant. It is still too early to test, at least I think so. I will take my first test on October 28th. Why that day? It is simply the day the Pregnology calender suggests to test and it also happens to be the 13th dpo so my chances of getting an accurate reading is pretty good. If the test is negative, I also plan to test on missed AF day 1 on November 3th, and if need be again on the 9th. You can wish me luck, I'd be glad of it. But, I wont be posting these until I get a positive test so I guess if you are reading this right now, I might need some congratulations too!

The Pregnology website sure has helped me be able to keep up with my regular cycles over the past year. Now I am using it to help me determine how far along I am on my "possible" pregnancy. Check it out!

Oct 22, 2009


I am now 6 DPO and I have all the same symptoms as before plus something new.
When I rolled out of bed this morning I looked down and noticed that I have those little blue veins popping up around my nipples, several little bumps surrounding both areolas, and the areolas look "dirty". What I mean by dirty is they are getting some slight dark splotches that make it look dirt is caked on. Another thing I am experiencing is uterine contractions possibly? I am definitely cramping but sometimes it feels like my whole uterus is throbbing. I have Googled this and came up with the conclusion that it could mean the body is trying to make room for the baby by stretching the womb.
And what about this hunger? I just ate breakfast a couple hours ago and my stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in days. I think half my class just heard it because I am getting strange looks from people around me. "Sorry, I'm hungry. (and I might be pregnant...but I didn't mention that)"
This past Tuesday, I could hardly make it through one hour of Crew Resource Management without getting up to pee several times, and that was only 4dpo! I wish I could slow down the frequent trips to the bathroom by drinking less water, but I'm SO thirsty. I might as well be walking through the desert with no food or water with the way I am feeling right now. I just ate and I'm hungry, I have a water bottle sitting by me right now and I can't seem to get enough to drink. I think I am just going to sit here and cry about it right here, right now. Why me!!
No, I'm not dramatic, really. And I am NEVER sarcastic, nope not me.

Fingers crossed!

Oct 21, 2009

Delayed Postings…

    I am working on a series of posts that I will not put up until the beginning of November. I may post a few things here and there before then but bear with me for the next couple of weeks. Now, it may come to pass that I need to change my plans for those posts and in that case I will resume writing my blog in just about the same way as I always have. But as of right now, I am planning on putting up these exciting blog posts after the first week of November.

    In the meantime, I could sure use some prayer that all goes well with this potentially wonderful situation. It's a secret for now…I wont tell!!

Baby Dust ( 1 )

Today is October 21st 2009. I wanted to write that date here because I do not plan on publishing this for another week or two. On the day I post this, I will have gotten a positive on a pregnancy test. But today, as I write this, I only have a sneaking suspicion that I might be pregnant and I do not want to tell anyone, even my husband, until I am really sure. We had such heart-brake recently when I discovered I was pregnant only to miscarry within the next 24 hours. I don't want him getting exited about the possibility until I get a positive test.

Anyway, I always like to hear how people kinda start to figure out that they might be pregnant so I decided to post my journey of the next couple of weeks. I plan to start a new blog about my progress right after my first doctor's visit.

FLP (first day of last period): Sept 30
Estimated ovulation day: Oct 16
Estimated AF (aunt flow) day: Nov 5

Today I am 5 dpo (days past ovulation) and for the past 48 hours I have felt bloated, nauseous, hungry, lower back pain, headache, fatigue, and cramping as if I am on my period. I am also experiencing an "anxious" or "nervous" sensation like my heart and stomach flutters just a little bit. Now you see why I am sorta wondering if I might be preggers?
As with all women TTC (trying to conceive), I would very much like to just wave a magic wand and say that because I am having these symptoms that I automatically deserve to be pregnant so *bling* I'm pregnant. But symptoms can be deceiving. I know that I am really feeling these things, but it is possible to have them and not be pregnant. I must admit that I have been having "in-fantasies". (I just made that word up so if someone else said it first I'm sorry. I have a very dry sense of humor.)What I mean by "in-fantasies" is that I often dream about the day I will have a baby in my arms. TTC in and of itself is pretty enjoyable *wink*, but oh how exciting it will be when I get a confirmed healthy pregnancy that continues full term!

Here's to waiting for my miracle!

Oct 19, 2009

“Antichrist”, the Movie

    "Antichrist" is a new horror flick sweeping the nation right now that has already been showed in theaters throughout the world. But before you go spurge on the movie tickets for this one, you may want to read the reviews. In fact, go watch the movie trailer for yourself which can be found on YouTube. I won't post the link to the trailer here for reasons I will explain in a moment. If you would rather take my word for it and not view the trailer, then please be my guest.

    At the beginning of the movie, a young couple is shown having sex while their son is catching snowflakes from his window in another room. The boy falls out of the window to his death. In despair, the couple decides to live in a cabin near the woods for a while. During their time in the woods they engage in occult activity which includes graphic mutilating sexual acts that spare nearly nothing to the imagination. With such pornographic and satanic images, no one need see this movie. Do not let your children go out and see this movie with their friends! Nothing good can come from seeing this movie. With any luck, it will be banned from most theaters anyway.

After watching the "Antichrist" trailer, I wished I hadn't. The trailer itself should be rated R.

Read this review from World Net Daily, a Christian news site.

About Satanic Influence:

    What kind of influence does the devil really have on mankind? Think of sex, for example. Is sex a sin against God? If that were the case, every living thing on the planet would be evil. Sex is necessary for reproduction. But sex is sanctified in mankind to be a fulfillment of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman, first as consummation of the marriage, and then as a reminder of the couple's love and dedication to each other and to God who put them together to become "one flesh". The desire for sex is given to us by God himself so that we will have a constant desire for our spouses. Satan's specialty is to take the things that God gives us and turn them against the will of God. He tries to get people to fulfill their God-given desires in ungodly ways. In the movie "Antichrist" the sexual relationship between this married couple, which is supposed to be wonderful and sacred, has been turned against the will of God.

    On a different note, even basic human needs can be influenced by evil. Do we eat to nourish our bodies or do we overindulge to satisfy our own pleasure? It isn't a sin to enjoy and take pleasure in the taste of food or even to have our bountiful holiday feasts to share the joy of the season with our families. But some of us, myself included, enjoy eating like every day is a holiday. I'll admit I am guilty as charged. I love to eat. But overindulgence to the point of being overweight cannot possibly be God's will for our lives. Overeating is costly both financially and in health. This is an area I have been working on in my life. But also keep in mind that you can also be too obsessed with being healthy. The furthering of God's kingdom is what is really important. If given the choice between going to the gym and sitting in a coffee shop talking to someone about Jesus, you should choose the latter. I promise that if you do, God is going to be much more willing to help you with achieving a healthy physical body. He made you and knows every aspect of your body, who can ask for a better doctor than God?

    In any case, when faced with temptation by the devil to turn a gift from God into something unholy, just put your trust in God. He will NEVER allow you to be in a situation that you cannot endure. When you feel trapped, there is always The Way out. Notice I said "The Way out". This is not a grammatical error; Jesus said "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Light." He is the path we follow, the truth we trust, and the light to light the path. Follow Jesus, and you will find that what you thought was a cage to trap you has no power to hold you.


Thank you, Jesus for suffering and dying for my freedom from the nets Satan throws over me. Your holy fire turns temptation into ash and is nothing more than dust beneath my feat. Because You go before me into battle, are with me day to day, and also guard my back, the victory is already won before I raise my hand to strike at my enemy. I will trust in You all of my days. My King, my Captain, my Father, my Friend.

In Jesus' most precious and Holy Name, Amen.