Oct 6, 2009

David Letterman Does Have a Prayer…Mine

I have been hearing all about Mt. Letterman and his recent trouble with adultery. Honestly, I do not know if he truly feels terribly for cheating on his wife. My prayer for him is that God will use this for His glory. I hope that Letterman will truly be convicted for what he has done. I hope that he will confess this to God and accept Jesus as his savior. God could really use this man; he has such potential because he has a voice that reaches the whole nation. I may not like David Letterman's antics, but I know that God loves him in spite of his sin; for that I would be ecstatic to embrace Mr. Letterman as my brother in Christ someday. Join me in praying for the soul of this lost sheep. Pray that he finds his way to the Shepherd.

Adultery is not an unpardonable sin. His wife may not forgive him, but God will if he humbly asks for it. Homosexuality is not an unpardonable sin. Murder (even abortion) is not an unpardonable sin. Anyone can receive forgiveness if they ask it of the Father and trust the Son to save them from that sin.

Matthew 5:27,28 27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

    Is anyone perfect? No! All have fallen short of God's glory. Only Jesus can keep us afloat. Only Jesus can right our wrongs.

    Mr. Letterman, YOU are on MY list! (Prayer list, that is.)