If you have been watching the news lately, you have seen the video with the children singing praises to Obama. But what you didn't know was that there was more to this video that makes it much worse from a Christian perspective than even Fox News reported. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zrsl8o4ZPo This link shows the entire video. Please watch this before you continue reading. Ok, let's talk about the first song they sang. "Red, yellow, black, white, all are precious in his sight." Clearly this is not talking about Jesus, but it was a song originally written for Him. This is a blatant slap in the face for not only Christians, but anyone who does not "worship" Obama. Now the next song is sung to the tune "Battle Hymn of the Republic". I think this one is the bigger stinger for Christians not because of the lyrics specifically, but the fact that those words were put to the tune of a song that was first intended to praise God for delivering victory in battle. One parent of a child in the video is horrified and told Fox News "I'm stunned -- I can't believe it's our school," said Jim Pronchik, who told FOXNews.com his 8-year-old son Jimmy was one of the 18 students in the video. "We don't want to praise this guy like he's a god or an idol or a king or anything like that. That's the wrong message to be sending."(FOXNews.com) Evidently, the school did not even tell the parents that their children were going to be videotaped and then published on You Tube, let alone the small fact that they were replacing words in songs to Jesus with praises to Obama. Because the lyrics on this video are hard to understand, you go here to find the complete lyrics: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/24/lyrics-songs-president-obama/ While I was looking at this video, I have come across some more things that will send chills up your spine. In the following video, you will watch as some students hail Obama as the "Alpha and Omega" praising him and promoting his health care bill. These students are obviously much older than the kids in the previous video, but young enough to be susceptible to an indoctrination that they cannot possibly fully understand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOtGr1JFCnE Like I said, chilling. Have you watched the video "The Story of Stuff"? You may have seen it on the news but probably not the whole thing. If not watch it now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBE5QAYXp8 Now, I consider myself to be more conservative than the average republican, and yet, I don't think I would forbid my child to see this. This lady has some very good points but leaves out some information. As a Christian, I think it is important to take care of our environment. We are to be good stewards of our God given resources. However, the rights of animals and trees should not be elevated over the rights of people. The whole Green Energy idea does not upset me really, it is the idea that in California the possibility of a rare tiny fish MAY be present in the water, so those people that live in that area are not allowed to water their crops, feed their families, or get income from the sale of those crops. These people's way of life is deteriorating because their MIGHT be fish in that water. People need to come first. I have no problem sacrificing the fish to feed the people. It is true, that gluttony is a sin. As God's children, we need to learn to be more content with what we have and not "covet" our neighbor's things. There is nothing wrong with being a consumer, but from a spiritual perspective, we should ask ourselves "What purpose will this item serve? Will it glorify God?" If the answer is to only pleasure yourself and will not bring glory to God in any way, we should reconsider the purchase of that item. For example, a computer can be a valuable resource in furthering the Kingdom of God. But if you are using the computer to cheat on your spouse by looking at porn, ignore your children because you are playing games, become lazy watching You Tube all day instead of going out into the world and telling of God's love, this is not an item we need to buy. Therefore, I agree with this video that consumption of goods in and of itself does not make people happy. People do indeed buy things to try and find spiritual fulfillment and happiness. The viscous cycle of consumption, working to pay for our consumption and society telling us we are worthless if we do not consume the latest items is very true. Green energy and green living is not going to provide that spiritual fulfillment or happiness either. The element that is missing to this whole thing is Jesus. Once you have Him on your side, you fill find that fulfillment and will not have as strong of a desire to consume. Stuff becomes less important unless you buy that laptop and use it for His purpose and through Him find satisfaction. We put on our armor everyday by reading the Word of God, but we do not need to go in and fight. Jesus has already won the battle. If you align yourself with Him, victory is yours. This is how you break that cycle of unhappiness, and you can work on Green living as a way to be a good steward of God's creation. Just keep in mind that people come first, animals and environmental issues second. Save those rainforests, but not at the expense of building someone a home. Learn to consume based on things you truly need or can use for God's glory. In this way, he will bless the things you have and will not allow tools used for His purpose to cause harm to His creation.
Hold My Heart
5 years ago
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