Dec 3, 2009

Mass Baby Killing

   A subject very near and dear to m heart. Obama is in the process of allowing federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Read this article from the Washington Post. As if there aren't other sources of stem cells such as cord blood for example? You get a lot more cells from an umbilical cord than you do from destroying human embryos and umbilical cord blood can be used immediately instead of being cultured. You can also get stem cells from recently deceased people in about the same manner you can harvest internal organs. Even adults had stem cells in the spinal cord which can be extracted in the event of death.
   With all these other options out there that would not involve destroying a human life to obtain stem cells, why would Obama push to fund such research? I think the man is just plain evil and I have a pretty good explanation for that theory.

  As a Christian, I know that it isn't my place to judge people, that is God's job and I would not presume to undermine His authority. However, the Bible does say that a Christian can observe the fruit of people who claim to be Christian to determine whether or not they are truly doing God's will. By "fruit", I mean to say the results of a person's actions, or what that person produces. Obama has specifically stated on national television that he claims Jesus Christ as his savior. Let's look at the fruit produced from this "Man of God" shall we? How about the pastor of the church Obama and his family attended for 20 + years. This would be the man who said things along the lines of God loves black people but hates white people. This is the man who said "God d*** America!" Generally, a person chooses a church based upon their own personal world view. A man who was a member of this church for 20 years is now the President of the USA. I'll let you put two and two together. How about his support for the gay community? This is not the fruit of a Christian. And forcing Americans to pay for abortions around the world? Did you know you are doing that right now? This is not the fruit of a Christian. And this funding of embryonic stem cell research is nothing short of abortion, even cannibalism! This, again, is not the fruit of a Christian.
    After looking at Obama's fruit tree, I have not been able to find one piece of fruit that is in line with God's will. So in fact, no only does Obama eat of the forbidden fruit himself, he is mass producing it and slithering around like a serpent trying to get everyone else to partake of his "B.S." He, like the serpent in Eden, is a smooth talker and can make that forbidden fruit look very appetizing. And like the serpent, he wants people to believe they can be just like or better than God when they eat of this fruit. For example: Can mankind really alter the path of our global climate? How narcissistic must we have to be in order to think we have the power to alter the path of global climate change? I don't know but I guess the attempt sounds like a good idea. At the very least it will give the government more control over our meager little lives.
    In conclusion, after further review of Obama's fruit, I have found nothing but poison and blasphemous garbage that he is trying to force down everyone's throats.