Dec 3, 2009

Doing Just Fine

 I have not updated my blog in a while and for that I apologize. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and my kid and I are doing just great. Excuse me as I go throw up again...

No, actually I have been queasy but have not thrown up even once. I did promise that I would start a baby blog and I will do that probably within the next week or so. I have been so busy at school and trying to get my work done that I just have not had time to write my blogs posts. When I get my new blog up I will post my first ultrasound picture taken at 8 weeks and elaborate on my first experience at a prenatal clinic. It was quite an adventure.

Side note: My husband and I were really wanting to go see Sarah Palin and get her autograph in Norman today. I don't think either of us expected that so many people would wait in line overnight just to get a wrist band so they could get in to see her tonight. With me being pregnant and the fact that it got below freezing last  night, there was just no way we were going to be able to get a wrist band. I didn't need to be out there getting sick nor did either of us want to freeze all night long. A friend of mine said she got there at 11pm last night and got a wristband this morning. The number on the band was in the 200's and there are only 500 bands all together. As much as I would have loved to shake her hand, it seems like that just wont be possible today. Hopefully she will come around again and we will have another chance to meet with her and tell her what an amazing woman she is. Wouldn't I love to see a Christian woman in the White House? Oh yes, I would!