Oct 1, 2009

Lovin’ my Girl-ness

    I was just thinking it would be nice to write about something different today. The rest of the world will still be there to talk about tomorrow and if it isn't, then I am sure I will have much better things to do than blog.

    This morning, I was just thinking about how great it is that God made me a woman. Oh sure, there are tons of things I could complain about like hormones, PMS, PAP exams, emotions, chipped nail polish, and the run that has just started racing up my new pair of panty hose, but who ever heard of a free lunch right? There are some men out there who wish they were born women, and some go to such extremes to try and make their bodies look like the body of a woman. But like I said, there are no free lunches; you can't be a woman unless you have experienced a craving for chocolate so desperate that you would be willing to scratch the eyes out of the gal sitting next to you munching away at her own little pack of M&M's. Of course, I am kidding, sort of. The Bible says "thou shall not covet" which is a sin I am guilty of for at least one week out of every month when it comes to chocolate. Those men who try to be women are only kidding themselves, because every woman pays the price of being a woman, and every woman has a specific purpose for God's will.

    God created man in his physical image: two arms, two legs, strength, and honor. Women, on the other hand, were made in the image of God's spiritual beauty. Think about how the Bible describes the church at the end of days. The church is the bride of Christ, beautifully adorned with the gifts Christ has provided for her. A man is to love his wife the way Christ loves the church, and we all know that Christ loves the church so much that he died for her. Clearly, God considers women to be a special part of His creation; He gives the church a feminine personification by calling it the Bride and Christ the Bridegroom. I don't know about you, ladies, but that just makes being a girl worthwhile doesn't it?

    Am I a feminist? I suppose in the most general sense of the word, I am indeed and I believe God has become a feminist. Let me tell you how I define feminism. A woman whose husband is either dead or useless needs be able to make a way for herself in this world. Please note that I will not dog on men because Adam was created first and man is the God-ordained head of the household. But in some cases that are increasing in number nowadays, it is the woman who plays the role of spiritual leader in her home because her husband refuses to obey God's commands. I do not say this is true in every Christian home or even in most Christian homes, but I do say the number of women having to step up where their husbands slack is increasing. This is why I think God has become a feminist from my understanding of the word. I believe God has allowed women such liberty in our American society today because some men are slacking off.

If, God bless her, Mrs. Palin become President of this United States of America, it will be because there is no man found better fit for this position. As it is a woman's duty to care for her household, so too could a woman take care of her home country. I don't think she would rule the country like a man, she would rule it as a woman, a wife, and a mother.

As far as liberal feminism goes, it makes me sick. Those fools will scoff at women who choose the life of a housewife, a soccer mom, or even a beauty queen in a pageant. Why should women who like to be girly be scoffed and ridiculed? I tell you what, I don't want to be a MAN! Eww! So my favorite color is pink, so I played with Barbie Dolls until I was twelve, what is that to you? Sure a woman should be able to do anything a man can do, that doesn't mean we want to. And your support of lesbianism? Disgusting! Keep that junk away from my children. It is not for YOU to decide what I should teach my children. And THAT by the way will be that homosexuality is wrong, thank you very much. Try as you might, you won't take my faith, my kids, or my freedoms from me, all are in God's hand.

Sisters, what I have just mentioned above is an example of people who want to take away your joy for being a woman. In some sick and twisted way, people who are liberal feminists want women to be EXACTLY EQUAL to men. But that is simply impossible. We can't be men, because we are women. God has a special plan and purpose for each and every Christian woman on this earth.

Ladies, I challenge you to be prayer warriors. Get into the spiritual battle between the demons of this world and your homes. Fight for those husbands, lift them up before God, fight for those children, their minds are in danger from the toxic waste that politicians spew from their mouths (which is a greater threat to society than the smog of industry). Let's go into battle together on our knees, girls. We are wives, we are mothers, we are daughters, we are sisters, we…are…WARRIORS!